Fred Campoy and Mathieu Blanchot

Trans. by Nerina Cocchi and Allison Grimaldi Donahue

from A Life With Alexandra David-Néel


Frédéric Campoy is a French comic artist, whose works include Arcanes (Delcourt) with Roland Pignault, Little Big Joe (Delcourt) with Wilfrid Lupano, the SHRÖG trilogy (Vents d’Ouest) with his brother Bruno and Olivier Paille, and the Karma Salsa trilogy (Dargaud). He teaches illustration and comic book writing at l’ESA Pyrénées in Pau (France). 

Mathieu Blanchot is a French comic artist. With a diploma from ESMI (College of Image Professions) in Bordeaux, A Life with Alexandra David-Néel is his first comic book. 

Nerina Cocchi is an Italian theatre artist and translator based in Brussels, Belgium. Her works include translations of Lina Prosa's Lampedusa Beach (The American Reader, 2013) and Lampedusa Snow (Words Without Borders, 2016). She is one of the 2019 recipients of Bourse Claude Etienne, a Fellowship for emerging Belgian playwrights.

Allison Grimaldi Donahue has published two poetry books: Body to Mineral (Publication Studio Vancouver, 2016) and On Endings (Delere Press, 2019). Her work appears in Words Without Borders, the Brooklyn Rail, Electric Literature, The Literary Review, Flash Art and Mousse among others. She has been an NEA Fellow at the Vermont Studio Center and a Bakeless Fellow at the Bread Loaf Translators’ Conference. She teaches creative writing at John Cabot University, Rome.


Helen Betya Rubinstein


Jodie Noel Vinson