Join our community

The Arkansas International is committed to writing that transcends borders— be they borders of place, language, form, or assumptions. Our magazine features work from over 70 countries, from Egypt to Brazil, South Korea to Russia, as well as U.S. writers working out of regions not centered by the literary marketplace. We support fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and graphic storytelling, in translation and source English alike. 

Creative Submissions general guidelines

We accept imaginative writing across genre, including works of literary translation. We are especially interested in writing that builds interconnection through invention. Prose submissions should be less than 8,000 words. Poetry submissions should include five pages of poetry or less. Translated submissions of any genre should include the source text, as well as a letter of given rights from the source creator or their estate. Comics submissions should include five pages or less, as well as a link to the artist’s larger portfolio. 

We accept simultaneous submissions, provided we are notified if your work is accepted elsewhere; however, we do not accept multiple submissions. Writers are welcome to send new work once a year.

Our submission windows open in November and June of each year. Please follow our social media channels for announcements and visit Submittable for details.