Daniel Lassell


In the afternoon, farmers
gather on a bench by the courthouse  

trading stories of the morning:
a cow’s leg recovered from coyotes,

two eggs in one roost, a stray dog
slimmed between fence slats.

A devotion that reminds the farmers
of weather, their tongues like blueberries

after a soft summer rain.
To share, to drink from that worship.

Two by two, city folk gather
in parks for a chess match.


Man with spotted button-down shirt standing in front of tree and grassy field

Daniel Lassell grew up in Kentucky and lives in New York. His first poetry collection, Spit (2021), won the 2020 Wheelbarrow Books Poetry Prize and received several post-publication awards. He is also the author of two limited-edition chapbooks, Ad Spot (Ethel, 2021) and The Emptying Earth (Madhouse, 2023).

Photo Credit: Austin Lassell


Patrick Kindig


Katie Berta