Edward Gauvin and Claire Stephens



Edward Gauvin has received prizes, fellowships, and residencies from PEN America, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Fulbright program, Ledig House, the Lannan Foundation, and the French Embassy. His work has won the John Dryden Translation prize and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Translation Award. Other publications have appeared in The New York Times, Harper's, and Tin House. The translator of more than 250 graphic novels, he is a contributing editor for comics at Words Without Borders. In 2011, he received a National Endowment for the Arts grant to work on Bernard Quiriny.

Claire Stephens is a cartoonist and a writer, mostly of science fiction and personal essays like Lady in Ink, a comics chapbook about tattoos and gender that was released in 2015 by Sweet Publications. You can find her work in magazines like Words Without Borders, Prick of the Spindle, and A Bad Penny Review. She was a recipient of a 2013 Outstanding Thesis or Dissertation Award at the University of South Florida, where she currently teaches writing.


René Steinke


Sandra Beasley