Emily Rose Cole

Nocturne with Witch & Desire

Dear black-furred night dripping
star-shear, dear moon shucking eggs
down the thighs of a million ravenous
unmothers, give me a flock of men to eat

like strawberries. Give me their kickstands
to swallow, their breath motorcycling up
my wrists. Give me a spur of jasmine pinked
with gore to diadem my head, give me a head

for wanting, give me a heart-mouthed conch, a river
of lungs, of arias, give me your whole burred voice,
quivering, like mine, & stripped of fear.


Emily Rose Cole is a writer and lyricist from Pennsylvania, and the author of a chapbook, Love and a Loaded Gun, forthcoming from Minerva Rising Press. She has received awards from Jabberwock Review, Ruminate Magazine, and the Academy of American Poets, and her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Nimrod, Spoon River Poetry Review, The Pinch, and Southern Indiana Review, among others. She holds an MFA from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and is currently a PhD student at the University of Cincinnati. You can reach her on Twitter via @EmilyColeWrites or via her website at emilyrosecolepoetry.com.


Angela Voras-Hills


George David Clark