Samira Negrouche

trans. by Nancy Naomi Carlson

Excerpts from Quay 2 1

I barely move along
my footsteps suspended 
on the oily surface 
or it’s the quay 
that moves
breaks loose
drifts away
on the leathery skin 
the indomitable skin
with reflections of silver
or it’s my gaze
that glides
gets closer to
the quay
brings me closer 
to the quay


I go naked 
in the onion fields
and in the lush jungle
in the underworld
of Mexico
and Aden
I go naked 
my joints moving freely
my back straight 
I sway
my back confident 
my neck light
my neck taut


Daylight arrives
in my precocious eyes 
an insane person dances 
in my eyes
makes my hand
on the air sailing
in the sky
that’s easy to paint 
an insane person dances
or I dance
when the circle opens


When the circle opens
you quiver inside
you through whom time
you who have passed through 
may your curve
smooth out
at daybreak


May the new wind
may the murmur announce itself
quiver outside 
may your face
pass through


Let the wind
sculpt your eyelids
the day’s clamor
inhabit your breath
let your chest
welcome the echo
let your body
regain its rhythm
let it


may the gaze 
pass through
may the hand
pass through
may the voice
pass through
may the gaze
pass through
may the hand
pass through
may the voice
pass through

My lips even
have seen you arrive in the distance

the crackling of leaves
behind my neck

the horizon

the bridges come in succession
they straddle me
the arcs straddle me


you split the span
the span of the arc
the span of the bridge
you straddle me
in the distance

arch all around me

even my lips
have seen you arrive in the distance


the breach becomes a sphere
when it topples
when it approaches
when it shoves

the sphere expands
even my lips
even my lips
in the distance


you arrive
the sphere
the oily surface
even my lips
my lips
in the distance


the tree trunks blush
in the distance

you go past the boats
I go past the trees
the sails unfurl
even my lips
even my lips
it won’t be too late
you arrive
in the distance
it won’t be too late


I see you
the dream
the attraction
the faraway nights

when on the oily surface
the faraway night

you don’t tremble
I no longer tremble


something quivers
that is

you’re not late
my lips even
in the distance
from time
from time
that expands

Samira Negrouche is a poet and translator from Algiers. The author of seven poetry collections and several artists’ books, she is involved in various multidisciplinary projects. Her poems have been translated into over twenty languages, and one book was a finalist for the National Translation Award. Her collaborations include Quai 2|1 with violinist Marianne Piketty and theorbist Bruno Helstroffer, from which the included excerpts have been selected.

Nancy Naomi Carlson’s translation of Khal Torabully’s Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude (Seagull, 2021) won the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize. A poet and essayist, she has authored twelve titles (eight translated), including An Infusion of Violets (Seagull, 2019), her second full-length poetry collection, which was named “New & Noteworthy” by The New York Times. A recipient of two translation grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, she is the Translations Editor for On the Seawall.


Hisham Bustani


Shankha Ghosh