Trey Moody

Parable with Yolk

One day Silence shouted down the hall
to Sound, Can you make me a sandwich to eat?

Sound didn’t say anything for a while

then handed Silence two slices of wheat
interrupted with a single sheet of iceberg lettuce.

On which of the four corners shall I begin,

wondered Silence, while Sound continued
painting the hallway between them

the color of harvested corn, or the color

of the center of an egg, no one remembers
exactly which it was in the beginning.


Trey Moody is from San Antonio, Texas. His first book, Thought That Nature (Sarabande, 2014), won the Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry. His more recent poems have appeared in The Atlantic, The Believer, and New England Review. He teaches at Creighton University and lives with his daughter in Omaha, Nebraska.


Andrew Koch


Alyssa Ripley