Issue Two

Cover art by Tomokazu Matsuyama



Rick Barot
Broken Mirror Against Tree Trunk

Valzhyna Mort

Ishion Hutchinson
Three Poems
— The Marl Prophet
— The Prospector's Visit
— Orpheus Returns

Bethany Schultz Hurst
Poem in the Shape of John Wayne’s Stomach Cancer

Kim Garcia
Three Poems
— Meditation on a Gorky Painting Titled by Breton
— Another Thing Invisible to the Eye
— You Mentioned the Future, After Lovemaking

Angela Voras-Hills
Two Poems
— Confessional
— Controlled Burn

Emily Rose Cole
Nocturne with Witch & Desire

Kaveh Akbar
The Lilies You Brought Home Were Truly Lovely But

Stephen Kessler
Awaiting My Wreath at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel

Kim Hyesoon
trans. by Don Mee Choi
Two Poems
— Such Painful Hallucination, Day Forty
— Name, Day Forty-Two

Amit Majmudar
Two Poems
— Chillicothe Apostrophe
— Corporate Cormorant

Andrea Cohen
Five Poems
— To the Woman Going Up the Escalator at Columbus Circle at Five-Thirty Last Evening
— Coming in From the Cold
— Prayer
— In the Middle of the Stone
— First Love

Raylyn Clacher
Three Poems
— First Date
— The Husband Go-Round
— How to Get Rid of Flies

Tiana Clark
Two Poems
— After Apollo
— After Orpheus

Pamela Sue Hitchcock
Three Poems
— Insides
— Playground
— The Day My Father's Shop Towels Went to School with Me

Maryann Corbett
An Ancient in First-Year Greek

Will Schutt
Three Ghosts

Masaoka Shiki
trans. by Howard Norman with Kazumi Tanaka
Eight Haiku

Ahmad Shamlou
trans. by Sholeh Wolpé

George David Clark
Black Igloo

Sidney Wade
Bird Words

Eric Smith
The Mercy Dancers



J. Robert Lennon
Circuit City

Sigrid Nunez
Innocent Mistakes

Alicia D. Ortega
How Soon is Now?

Maurice Carlos Ruffin
You Can Run

Giacomo Sartori
trans. by Frederika Randall
from Anatomy of the Battle

Nao-Cola Yamazaki
trans. by Polly Barton
Five Stories
— Fossil Candy
— An Imaginary Band History
— Let People Buy You Lunch
— A Totally New Kind of Umbrella
— Logic and Sensitivity Are Not Incompatible



Hasanthika Sirisena



François Ayroles
trans. by Edward Gauvin
from Notes Mésopotamiennes



Geoffrey Brock

Managing Editor
Anthony Blake

Development Director
Elizabeth DeMeo

Outreach Director
Jacob Lindberg

Poetry Editor
Molly Rector

Assistant Poetry Editors
Collin Callahan
Zachary Harrod

Prose Editors
Frisco Edwards
Sacha Idell

Translation Editor
Anne Greeott

Assistant Translation Editor
Jacob Collum

Comics Editor
Michelle Myers

Web Editor
Caroline Beimford

Social Media Editor
Kirsty Bleyl

Anthony Blake